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Noteworthy sites

Some websites and tools worth sharing, a reminder that there is always cool shit on the internet.
Definitely not a complete list!! I will add more as I go. Neocities pages and beyond are elsewhere!



  • Makesweet :]
  • LunaPic Basic photo editing tool with some classic gif FX sprinkled in
  • Dithermark I’m OBSESSED with this ditherer I put all my favorite images in it!!


  • Catbox File host. Also has a temporary file host version: Litterbox!
  • Paletton One of the many palette generators out there. Palettes are just neat innit
  • Cobalt A converter that actually converts! wawza! Also try Jdownloader
  • Quackit html cheatsheet of sorts. Many nifty codes in here


  • Cameron's world happy place <3<3 all the cool kids hang out here
  • Kleroteria Email newsletter where a random subscriber gets picked to write anything they want to all the other subscribers. You never know what you’ll read next but they’re always welcome
  • sorahana cute art hehe
  • Blue Ball Machine our society PALES in comparison to the impeccably functioning clockwork anthill of balls
  • Web design museum Archive of old layouts for sites, software and apps
  • Rotating food you’re not ready for this
  • y2kid - downloading a well-spoken page all about torrenting and why it’s so cool
  • EasyUSSR - torrenting And another!
  • Sadgrl.online a wonderful starting point for getting into this newfangled website stuff – fascinating reads, places to explore and a lot of resources to jumpstart with
  • Flashpoint archive the most well known flash media archive! If you grew up with newgrounds or any weird flash game that never left your memory then this is for you ^-^
  • Sinkdog This changed me in some way, idk how exactly but it definitely made me happier
  • Underrated bangers formerly ringtone bangers – lots of short jingles and tunes from old phones, games or standalone artists that are never not catchy. like ever

Some credits

In a perfect world I could list where I found each and every neat picture I found and saved onto my computer but the best I can do is half remember or just start listing afresh

  • If it helps, there are a lot that come from gifcities
  • Some of my ad virus was caught from sweethard666 haha oops sorryyy
  • I used photomosh to make my patterns wiggle
  • Smileys from kolobanga.ru - fokin love these little things I remember them being used on girlsgogames comment sections and I’m glad I finally found that they’re called koloboks!! Like the russian tale of the doughboy! There are some with references that I don't get, but for the most part the way they're animated is charming

Visit count script from FC2!

Back to top button script pasted from w3schools bcuz I am lazy :-p

As for learning html.. My knowledge of it is pretty basic as of now. Most of what I know is a mixture of youtube videos and sites like W3Schools, otherwise it's just looking up solutions to specific problems and take it from there which is how you learn basically anything nowadays LOL

There are certainly better ways to learn that are more structured and offer the full range of what html/css can do, but at a certain point if you wanna teach yourself something you can't keep mulling about over what the optimal way to do it is, you gotta dive in somehow cus otherwise you'll never get it done!