- dill with a license to kill
- Fruities, a people
furries but fruit
all Fruities come from Fruitaisia
- the mind reading playlist, knows what you're in the mood for
- imagine seeing all past instances of you listening to the song you're hearing right now
- growing up is realizing that I actually like the basic girl characters just as much as the cooler side character girl (e.g. princess peach and rosalina, amy and blaze, honey lemon and gogo tomago etc)
- a cafe with a name like Louise's for example but everyone serving there is named louise, regardless of whether that's their actual name or not
- imagine a cartoon or film where the main character is the typical chiseled white roman stone man sculpture come to life and forced to navigate society ... a mr bean of sorts but more like a majestic being out of its comfort zone.. an albatross out of the sky and on the ground..
- superpowers are a metaphor for languages
a hero being embarrassed to use their power out of fear for not being good at it
- Not needing to wear a mask anymore means you can smile! at random people!
- Moments you feel tender to the world:
-waking up
-after museums/art galleries
-after a massage
-after seeing a movie in the cinema
- I love dressing up in a costume or something funny-looking in public
cus then everybody looks and wants to laugh at you but not in the bad way; it's like you're the fun little highlight of their day
(+) which makes me realize that cosplay is basically revelling in this particular feeling and I should do it more often
- Default answers people use a lot:
-when imitating surgeons: "scalpel."
-when imitating nature docs: "and here we see x in its natural habitat"
-when talking about the worst case scenario: "would hitler do that?"
- There's something about randomly seeing a patch of water reflect light onto a surface that suddenly takes me to a very serene state of mind for the brief moment I see it
(+) Seeing people read books in public spaces has a similar effect
- If I could, I would love to journey on a tiny sailboat on nibbaa mar sarkis (spring of saint sarkis) (that tiny stream of water that runs down the mountains in some parts of northern lebanon) and see where it comes from and where it passes through and what kind of a journey it would be
- I once had a dream where I was in a bus and saw this girl my age who was really contagiously nice, all smiley and saying thank you and making jokes and laughing with other strangers like they were her friends
I wanna be like her
(+) so ur trying to be a main character basically fuck youuu LOOL
- I love messaging people when I come home after something, the act of sharing the events and asking how they're doing is a nice wind down for me
- Whistling instead of humming/singing is like eating with chopsticks instead of a fork - it's the more mindful and brain intensive option
- Every element has a meditative sight for the eyes, that you can stare at for hours: fire has fire, water has rivers and falls, earth has pouring sand, and wind has tumbling and twisting leaves in the air
- Bicycles that generate motors by pedalling are basically making you artificially go uphill and downhill, by making you work for the reward of speeding downhill
- kneading dough for bread is a lot like touching boobs, I did both back to back and the experience is the same
- There are two bedtime extremes: sleepy soft, where you are clean and pampered and eager to tuck in and greasy grog, where you are overworked and exhausted and haven't showered in ages and just need to hit the bed
- there's this question that goes like "If you were to fight yourself from 2018 would you win" and I think I'd actually lose
I feel like my never ending exposure to memes and short slang, both of which make less sense as time goes on, has made me regress in some way - looking back on the way I used to write and think made me seem so much more intelligent and thoughtful rather than me just spitting out funny garbage in every conversation
but then again the grass is always greener yadda yadda and your brain will never remember things accurately so this fact may not be true
- protip if you want to feel like a real 3d modeller play the sims soundtrack while you make something
- They say there's a trick to studying where if you chew gum while you study and chew the same gum on the test, you'll remember better because of taste association. I like to do the same when I go on a trip of sorts and listen to select songs a lot of times, so I associate those songs with that trip. It works scarily well at resurfacing untold memories
(+) i made a playlist for this teehee
- watching EO (2022) - I want to know what it's like to exist as an inanimate object, something that gets passed around across the world seeing different places and coming to face with different people. the only downside of this is being enclosed in this status and not being able to interact with any of the world I can see, only viewing
- Any thing with the word 'wild' preceding it has a more refined, matured, disturbed, less orderly look to it compared to its original. e.g. wild strawberries, wild geese, wild cats
- sometimes I can feel my brain working. not in a sense that I feel my memory or subconscious, although I can feel those, but I can also just physically feel it quaking, more sensitive, as signals pass through
- ice is water that will be there later. it's a timer
- impressionist painting is like the paint equivalent of dithering
- are cereals not just the kibble that we humans eat, regurgitated by our own creation, the edible grain?
- the human urge to move fast in vast spaces e.g mall, airport
- for fluffy hair: be mean. toss around like salad
- Someone who interchangeably moves between countries in which you drive on the left side, and on the right, in order to avoid sunburns on one half of the face
- your brain, your senses are the only vessel in which you know the whole world and exist within it. It deserves the highest level of care
- The world would be just a little more grim without the existence of novelty smoking replacements such as bubble pipes and chocolate cigarettes
- Every time boards of canada comes on my playlist it catches me by pleasant surprise and gets me saying wow... I really needed this
- month is ending starter pack
-phone provider texting your remaining balance
-panic sets in and you feel like you need to make something of yourself
- being in a good mood feels comparable to hitting all the right notes in a rhythm game, and it just keeps multiplying as you keep the streak going
(+) on the same note, I will never not be entertained by comparing my ordinary life to a video game, like saying that my morale points get restored when I do some self care, or that I'm always levelling up and can feel the exp meter go up when I do something challenging
even just imagining myself as a video game character who can run, interact, look at things, get sidequests, have inner dialogue and cutscenes as I do the mundane tasks I've done over and over before, it all makes it a little more fun for the silly awesome gamer boy child within me
that's not to say that all strangers are npcs though. that's a different thing don't do that
- love thinking about the parallels between biking and driving, and thinking about one as if it were the other, or imagining my bicycle as a royal and loyal steed riding the wind and the ramps
- a thin film of vapor coated the night sky,
the glow of the stars soften to a pom pom like quality
silken beast claws at my knee welcoming my feet
my warden against the darkness
- man I just want to live for one day in some random place in berlin and go to a crazy cool as fuck underground rave for hours until the sun rises and crash with a group of piercing clad strangers
(+) is that stereotyping or too movie like to be true idk
- I am a chickpea FIEND
- an energetic waltz with the vacuum cleaner...
- I hope someone sneaks into your bedroom and steals your essential oils
list of objects that my loved ones refer to exclusively by their common brand name
-kleenex (tissues)
-fairy (dish soap)
- I have a fascination with the escapism of looking into stranger's windows at night.. yes that sounds quite creepy but I mean it in the sense of seeing the light on, maybe a few things visible but the driving sensation is the imagination that takes me places. is anyone in there? what kind of person out of the infinite varieties of people could inhabit that space and what could they possibly be up to? do I know them? man I want to get to know them.. there's such a mystique about it it's hard to put into words, especially when the lighting is particularly moody or the decor is cozy or stands out in any manner. I eat it up every time, mostly on nights when I'm walking, biking or driving and alone with my thoughts
- after turning 20 I was bummed over the loss of my age ending with "-teen" but soon after telling someone my age in arabic, I realized "3shreen" basically has the same ring to it by ending in "een" and so do all the numbers after that.. So there's no reason to be bummed about that anymore
- i wonder if a story exists out there devoid of any physical descriptions and instead carries itself exclusively through personalities and interactions
- "where's wally/waldo but without the wally/waldo in question" exists, but I need to see one without any people in it at all
- It's 8am and I'm watching the snow fall with a bowl of hot porridge in my hand. man it doesn't get any better than this
- I don't really consider myself to be an interesting person. Will I elaborate on this? no... (evidence of uninterestingness)
- today I saw a painting timelapse where someone commented that they once had a realisation that great paintings are done with minimal brushstrokes and that the pleasure of making art is finding ways to simplify reality into basic shapes, not getting caught up in recreating every miniscule detail and then proceeding to feel defeat after failing to get that right. the fun bit was that people seeing the art would fill in the detail with their own eyes anyway, through you "suggesting" a form and letting the viewer do the work rather than presenting it one way outright. anyway this line of thought came back as I was listening to some music where I noticed the bass line, or guitar solo idk what it was exactly, sounded a lot like dialogue or like it was saying a string of words. that made me think of how instruments are just as competent singers as our own voices and they kinda have their own way of singing lyrics.. a message doesn't have to always be in plain sight in written or spoken words, it can be told through the progression and intonation of an instrument's dialogue. these two parts of music and painting make me realise that the joy of art is creating ambiguity for someone to discern by themselves, based on their experiences . and it's not really a groundbreaking concept because it's literally what art is here to do, to convey emotion through a myriad of ways that are more than limited to verbal. so yeah that was one of the many basic realisations I made and I'm glad I got to piece some of it together on my own
- gulp, dude... gulp indeed
- one way I can gauge if the caffeine is affecting me is whether I start dancing to lofi music
- I like the lame grandma cereals. THERE. I SAID IT. Bran sticks, shreddies, I'll have it all.YES AND WITH TINY BANANA SLICES IN THE MIX THANKS. weetabix can go though nobody likes that shit
- There are 93 cats and cat-themed things in my room
- I want a doom like game where some guy is killing alien monsters but it's all just an obvious allegory for having lots of mosquitoes in your house and getting rid of them
I gameify killing mosquitoes to no end so it only seems natural
my pronunciation blunder hall of fame:
-casino: cazeeno
-notification: naught-ifications
-developping: dev-lop-ping
-syrup: sye-rup
-photographed: fuh-taah-gruh-ft
- I wish I wish upon a sniff....
- tears as a defense mechanism
- a great way to make art is just making the kind of stuff you'd be asked to make in kindergarten art class, since that involves experimentation and doing whatever your little heart desires
- there's something reassuring about all the failsafes that humans make in case of crisises. Like writing wills, making warnings for nuclear disaster by using symbols that transcend language, that golden disc they send the aliens to prove that we were here.. idk it just resonates as something sweet
- stereolab's singer has a motherly voice
- I gotta draw personnages based off of songs/playlists. it just works out because songs have their own complete personality it's basically just a seed for a character
(thinking about elegant mature down to earth womanly acoustic music like jessica pratt) (yes this is a zoink thought)
- I love seeing bugs in movies, they're pretty much the only entity in the shot that doesn't follow a script so seeing them kinda grounds me and reminds me that all this is real and happened irl. It breaks my immersion but not in a bad way
+ in a more abstract sense you could say the same about the wind moving the trees and plants and the ocean..?? the world always moves without command or instruction
- there should be a spinoff cover band of men at work called children at play
- I'm sitting outside right now and giving myself the buffer time to quiet down and write all the notes I said I'd write.. it's pretty nice
- I should write down a list of conversations/sentences I overhear in public
- growing up I never really frequented the beach more than the average person but I always feel an overwhelming sense of feeling at home whenever I go, and I think that's why I love it so much.
- every male needs a meatloaf and foobaw
- during times of unrest I often retreat back to my own music and playlists instead of seeking something new, maybe as a way to remind me of myself and my previously understood essence
Food that makes me feel like I'm eating snack treats made for animals:
-Peanut butter pretzel bites: dog treats
-Popcorn: snack for horse or mouse
-Tuna mayo sushi/anything with canned tuna: fish dish for cat
-Trail mix: squirrel/bird feed
-Whole boiled egg: snake or fox lunch
- wow I'm really just getting started. I don't know anything actually
- if you flip it around..turn car park to a cat park you'll find that life is full of pleasure
- normalize using the very foreign loved terms "mr." , "land", "tasty", for your storefront name
- ever think about how often we say things that relate to seasoning
like taking with a grain of salt or sugarcoating... FOOD for thought...???
- black cats are the warmest
- people who make high concept movies are good at understanding human psyche and natural reactions to things
Favourite typos
sweaty (sweetie)
holly shit
I also love
spelling words with ou like : ouh, me toou, hellou
randomly adding g at the end of a word
e.g. : pouting, violing, morrowing
Sayings that just ring true all the time
Be yourself
hunger is the best sauce
better safe than sorry (wow)
things I appreciate more as time goes on
a good pickle
writing + poetry
horror movies
outsider art
live music
fruit in cereal
socks to bed
- kids' horror content is so bad now because they have to compensate for their lack of purposefully spooky media like courage the cowardly dog and coraline
goofy item compendium
writing gear: big pencil, quill and ink
headgear: propeller hat, soda can straw hat
In another life
...I would've been really into psychology and neuroscience
...I could be an etsy seller
...I'd be a nutritionist
weird and stupid ideas
a subreddit for people to cope with failing the smart serve test
a subreddit for scouting out good smells all around the city
theres probably someone who loves Christopher walken so much they watch all his movies
- I am an ELECTRONIC ARTIST!!! 👽 👾
Things I should say more often but maybe not
such is life in the big city
fluff as a replacement for fuck
no printer just fax
cheese and crackers dude!
what fresh hell is this
-Desert sand feels warm at night
-Meet the Frownies
-Olivine Alloy
-Ah, But Underneath
-"grab a drink and drink it slow grab a cat and let it know"
-"I'm at the dollar store making changes"
-I wish, I wish, upon a fish...
-Octopus' big night out
-What's a magpie to do
-thwarted by a malign star